
Roofing battens can be purchased Ungraded, Part Graded or Fully Graded to BS5534.
Batten Specification
BS 5534:2014 + A2:2018 Stamped – KD (Kiln Dried) – HT56Degs/30Mins – ISPM15 – Regularised – PEFC and/or FSC – Low Pressure Treated UC2 (BS8417) – PTL
25mm x 38mm (600 pieces per pack)
25mm x 50mm (440 pieces per pack)
Lengths: 2.4M to 5.4M as Falling
BS 5534:2014 battens come in two basic dimensions: 25 x 38mm and 25 x 50mm. The standards also state an allowed tolerance of +/- 3mm on the width, and a tolerance on the thickness of -0/+3mm.
Available for Shipping, Imported in FULL LORRY LOADS/CONTAINERS from Canada, Sweden, Baltic States, and by LORRY LOAD QUANTITIES from UK Sawmills.
Batten Information
BS5534 Battens are manufactured from timber selected from approved sources in accordance with BS 5534:2014 + A2:2018 and graded by an optical grading machine prior to the application of a preservative treatment Tanalith to BS 8417:2011.
Fully graded BS 5534 battens are becoming a standard warranty requirement with these guaranteed schemes:
- National House Builders Council (NHBC)
- Local Authority Building Control (LABC)
- Roof Sure • Roof Sure Plus
- NFRC Co-partnership
- Trustmark
- Competent Roofer
Since October 2011, NHBC Standards require that all timber used for battens and counter battens should be indelibly marked with the appropriate markings of BS 5534.
How to tell if battens are fully compliant with BS 5534
Each batten that fully complies should be indelibly marked with the following information:
- supplier
- ‘Graded BS 5534’
- size
- if applicable, the third-party certification scheme logo
- origin (imported or British grown, and/or species code WPPA or Other as below– see table).

Battens that are produced under independent third-party schemes such as the BM TRADA Certification Q-Mark Timber Tiling Batten Scheme and BRE’s ‘Tickmark’ Scheme are now appearing on the market and some are colour coded to depict graded material.